Hurricane Matthew in Haiti

Haiti was once again scourged by the forces of nature. With great sadness and helplessness, we saw and read about the devastation of many communities but especially of Jeremie and Les Cayes, two thriving cities in Southwest Haiti. Too many lives lost. Too many crops and trees wasted. Too many homes, roads, schools and hospitals destroyed. For those under a thatched roof with a dirt floor, the constant drenching was merciless. The children’s books,sleeping mats, beds, notebooks and scarce clothing ruined.
“They are resilient” many say about Haitians. Yes, they will go on. They will rebuild. They will laugh again. They will dance again. Many charities have and will continue to provide support. Many people throughout the world will land a hand. There will be prayers. There will be hope. There will be collaboration. They will someday overcome.